120 Seconds to Change the World
GLP Films presents “120 Seconds to Change the World,” an ambitious new video series aimed to celebrate and inspire through the untold stories of the change-makers behind GLP's most impactful films. With each video under 120 seconds long, the stories span the globe and cover important global issues including the environment, conservation, travel, women empowerment, family, culture, food, and more. The videos are all available for streaming below.
Rosmarie Ruf
For the past three decades, Rosmarie Ruf has dedicated her life to protecting the endangered okapi endemic to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Given the country’s instability and share of challenges, some would say it is no place for a woman. But after the passing of her husband, Rosmarie stepped into the role of Director of the Okapi Conservation Project and has quietly become the Jane Goodall of okapi conservation. Although she says the okapi are the ones that saved her, Rosmarie just might be the unsung hero to save these ‘ghosts of the forest.’
Partner: Okapi Conservation Project
Location: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Pierre Thiam
Chef Pierre Thiam is a citizen of two worlds—born in Senegal, it wasn't until the kitchens of Brooklyn, NY that he found his stride. This story reveals how a Senegalese chef shattered cultural stigmas around men in the kitchen while also managing to introduce an often overlooked African cuisine and culture to the world stage through the universal language of food.
Partner: Pierre Thiam
Location: Multiple locations in Senegal and Brooklyn, New York
Mina Guli
Mina Guli is a woman on a mission. In an effort to raise awareness for the global water crisis, she's spent the past two years running distances no one can ignore (62 marathons in 62 days!) and igniting a worldwide movement for water conservation. This story puts you "in her shoes," revealing the inner workings of a mind on a mission to change the world.
Partner: Mina Guli
Location: Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
Seledonia Montalvo
Meet Selia, the chef behind the popular Cusco restaurant Seledonia's Mesa. Her perseverance in the kitchen has led her to become a restaurant owner and the breadwinner for her family, despite others telling her she couldn't do it. Her next dream: to provide opportunities for other single mothers to achieve their goals as working moms in Peru.
Partner: Seledonia's Mesa
Location: Cusco, Peru
Bill Yeo
For the last 20 years, Bill Yeo has summited the world’s most challenging peaks and traveled to the planet's most remote locations. But in all of his adventures, being a dad just might be the greatest achievement of them all. This story introduces you to a man who lives for the next adventure and, right now, that adventure happens to be fatherhood.
Partner: LifeStraw
Location: Durham, Maine
Joseph Ole Koyie
Meet Joseph Ole Koyie, a Maasai and Wildlife Guide in Kenya’s Masai Mara. While Maasai warriors historically hunted lions as a sign of bravery and rite of passage in the past, Joseph’s life-changing encounter with a lion changed his course forever.
Partner: Abercrombie & Kent Philanthropy
Location: Masai Mara, Kenya