Video Impact Reports

Are you a nonprofit or foundation looking to share your stories of success about conservation, community action, stewardship, or sustainability in a powerful, inspiring, and impactful way?

Partner with GLP Films and let us help you tell your impact story.

For over 16 years, we have helped destinations, brands, and organizations increase their impact by telling local stories worldwide using beautifully crafted videos, engaging content, and communications campaigns—all with a ‘people-first’ approach. Our unique fusion of creativity, strategy, and authenticity enables us to align our video storytelling with your organizational objectives for showcasing your conservation, stewardship, community action projects, and more.

Why Partner With Us

Pantaneiro cowboy on a horse blowing a horn

The Power of Visual Storytelling

Video storytelling is a powerful tool that helps bring a story to life. The storytelling format is innately understood by a viewer or listener. It is accessible. And ultimately, incredibly shareable which makes it a valuable asset for any strategic communications plan. 

Through a combination of stunning visuals, character-driven voices, and underlying themes, visual storytelling can be used to create a compelling story behind a complex, data-driven report in an easy-to-understand, powerful way that will educate, inspire, and promote action.

It portrays the people, the communities, and the environment behind the data and the research, bringing your project or initiative to life in an empowering, emotionally appealing way.

How Foundations and Nonprofits Can Use Video Storytelling

In support of major projects, a video impact report can live alongside a traditional, written, data-driven report on a project to be presented at a board meeting, an industry event, or as a fundraising tool. 

See Our Work in Action


A powerful story of community-led forest conservation by the communities who both nurture and support the forest’s resources in the Maya Biosphere Reserve in the Petén region in Guatemala. 

The Maya Biosphere Reserve was created in 1990 by the Guatemalan government with no consultation amongst the local indigenous communities who rely on and live off the forest resources of this land as the generational stewards of their homeland. While the authorities in charge did not have confidence in the local communities’ abilities to protect the land, the community organized themselves and fought for their rights as the original custodians of the Petén. They were awarded the first forest concession in history by the Guatemalan government. 

The film showcases the power of the local community to successfully manage, protect, and conserve the forests throughout the past 25 years of the concession and beyond. 


Partner: Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP)

Location: The Maya Biosphere Reserve, Petén Region of Guatemala

Key Themes: Community | Collaboration | Conservation | Stewardship


Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP), a philanthropic organization that directly supports forest conservation and community concessions in the Maya Biosphere Reserve in the Petén region of Guatemala, sought to incorporate authentic community voices and stories into their evaluative efforts to assess the progress and positive impact of the community concession program over the past 25 years.

MACP wanted to capture the voices, thoughts, and opinions of local workers, concession leaders, and community members. The video story served not only to document the impact of the concession model over 25 years, but also to directly record their hopes, fears, threats, and vision for the future. 

The film supplemented the data collected by MACP and was presented to board members and stakeholders involved in the project.


Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda (GESG) won the Climate Innovations category in the 2024 Regenerative Travel Impact Awards in Climate Innovations. The film is also the winner of My Hero Film Festival 2024, the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival 2024, an Official Selection for the Colorado Environmental Film Festival 2025, and the Wild & Scenic Film Festival 2025.


We are excited to introduce the film we made for Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda I.A.P. (GESG). The film powerfully highlights the successful conservation and climate solutions they initiated decades ago in response to the rapid environmental deterioration of their home in the Sierra Gorda bioregion in Querétaro, Mexico.

We continue to promote GESG’s work because of their incredible resilience, perseverance, and creativity with nature-based climate solutions. They are always striving to bring progress to the region and serve as a global example of community-led, research-based conservation projects. We all think the world could use some inspiration and hope in the fight against climate change. Because there is no Planet B.

A story of resilience, innovation, and the extraordinary power of local action. Local stewards are the custodians and agents of change and a driving force for a nature-positive future.


Partner: Grupo Ecologico Sierra Gorda IAP

Location: Sierra Gorda Region, Queretaro, Mexico

Key Themes: Reforestation | Carbon Solutions | Conservation | Stewardship | Community


Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda (GESG) was founded over 35 years ago, led by the singular vision of one woman, Martha “Pati” Ruiz Corzo, and her family and their mission to preserve, protect, and regenerate the unique biodiversity of the Sierra Gorda. Since their founding, the GESG team has built integrated community environmental education programs and celebrations to bring hope to the serious work of regeneration and conservation. Today, their local, science-based model is being applied to a regional carbon reduction program and provides a critical local model that can be replicated on a global scale. As the impacts of climate change continue to accelerate declines in biodiversity, GESG’s work brings us hope for a better future. 

The film highlights the successful conservation and climate solutions they initiated in response to the rapid environmental deterioration of their home in the Sierra Gorda bioregion in Querétaro, Mexico.

Do you have an important project, initiative, or import report that you are looking to share with your board members, employees, or donors?

Let us work together to help tell your story.

Partner with GLP Films to help share your impact and stories of success in conservation, stewardship, sustainability, and more.