Sustainable tourism recovery plan

At GLP, we have been creating content marketing campaigns focused on sustainable travel for over a decade. Based on our successful work to help our partners in their content marketing and positioning for sustainability, we are excited to extend our services to support your tourism recovery.

We invite you to watch our video and fill out the questionnaire below in order to receive a free consultation to guide you towards creating your own tourism recovery content strategy.

Here’s how you can participate in our complimentary consultation offer:

  1. Watch the short video below — it outlines how GLP can help with your road map to recovery

  2. Complete the brief questionnaire — this helps us learn your specific needs and interests, and how we can help

  3. Enjoy your free tourism recovery consultation with GLP — schedule a consultative phone call with Team GLP centered on key topics you identify in your questionnaire answers

We are excited to share our sustainable tourism and destination marketing expertise, and look forward to helping you reach your goals in COVID-19 recovery and in developing your sustainable tourism plans.

Thank you.

- Team GLP

Step 1: Watch the overview video


Step 2: ANsWER the questions below to receive a free tourism recovery consultation:


Step 3: glp will be in touch to set up a tourism recovery consultation

In the meantime, be sure to sign up for GLP’s monthly newsletter, Behind the Lens: Storytelling and Sustainable Tourism Marketing Insights for the Travel Industry to stay in the know on the latest storytelling and content marketing strategies for COVID-19 tourism recovery, sustainability, and regenerative travel. Sign up to join us Behind the Lens.