Funding education through sustainable tourism, not voluntourism
The idea of ‘giving back' is used a lot in sustainable tourism. One of the ways we can give back is through education, but this is a complex issue. And one that cannot be resolved by sending a few volunteers to do a week of teaching in far off schools.
Food tourism and content creation - a recipe that will be passed down through the generations
From cyclists racing to the best breweries to kayakers in search of riverside restaurants, food is essential in tourism content
Content marketing trends for the travel industry in 2021 and 2022
Ten best ways to transform your tourism content strategy heading into 2022.
Intangible cultural heritage in travel content
From culinary to poetry traditions, dances to dramatic performances, there are cultural heritage gems around the globe that inspire great storytelling.
The revival of the travel advisor
Travelers still value real human input for their travel plans. From health and safety, to insurance and cancellations, travel advisors are making a comeback.
Food stories unknown - what the sustainable travel industry can learn from the legacy of Anthony Bourdain
Food Stories Unknown: Lessons from Anthony Bourdain for the Travel Industry
Food Tourism
Food and culinary traditions are at the core of a destination’s cultural heritage and should also be at the core of its travel content.
Indigenous tourism is inclusive tourism
From Mayan to Maasai culture, Sámi to Seneca, indigenous people are very much a part of inclusive and sustainable tourism.
Putting accessible tourism at the heart of your travel content
Sustainability means inclusivity. Read more about putting accessible tourism at the heart of your travel content.
Blue Tourism
The future of tourism is green and blue, with a growing network of coastal and marine initiatives that focus on sustainability.
The importance of storytelling in sustainability
Good stories put the soul into sustainability. They allow us to see a destination through the lens of local people.
How to Choose the Best Travel Writers
Travel writers play a critical role in any travel brand’s earned media campaigns. By working with a talented and connected writer, travel brands can cost effectively reach a target audience. However, not all writers are created equal. Since a writer is your marketing megaphone, it is important to work with someone that is invested in a destination’s long-term sustainability.
Top tips on how to market resilience in a tourism destination after a crisis
A destination experiences a tragedy - natural disasters, war, economic problems... Then, global media outlets spread the word, bookings decrease and tourism drops. Negative, inaccurate press about the state of tourism in a destination can be an uphill battle. However, marketing can provide solutions to change global traveler perceptions and help market that a destination is "open for business".
The Future of Tourism - a symphony of sustainability
The COVID-19 pandemic was a rallying call to people working in the travel industry and, in particular, to those who are dedicated to sustainable tourism and all its guiding principles. One particularly influential chorus of changemakers was created during this time - the Future of Tourism, a coalition of six leading sustainable NGOs, who then went on to gather up a rapidly growing membership of hundreds, of which we are now one.
How to avoid greenwashing in your sustainable travel content
Top tips to avoid greenwashing in travel content while growing online traffic with truly green and responsible travelers.
Conservation is in crisis - so let’s not beat around the bush
Conservation is in crisis. When there are no tourists, there is no funding. Learn how to create content to fund wildlife conservation in its hour of need.