Gen Z Travel Trends You Need to Know To Create Travel Content

As we come to the end of an era of lockdowns, quarantines, and strict regulations, Gen Z travelers are racing towards adventure with open arms. The young generation has made travel a top priority after spending some of their most pivotal years feeling stuck due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

This is a group of young people who were forced to miss out on irreplaceable experiences. Spring break trips, birthday vacations, backpacking through Europe after graduation, taking their first big girls’ trip - all of these opportunities vanished because of the pandemic. Now, everything they wanted has been amplified exponentially.

Gen Z is definitely in their era of “revenge travel.”

But how do Gen Z travel habits differ from their millennial counterparts? And how does their behavior impact the travel industry overall?

Photo by Mike Swigunski

Cost is A Big Concern For Gen Z Travelers

A large portion of Gen Z is between the ages of 18-24. Whether they're still in school, fresh out of college, or becoming financially independent for the first time in their life, there are plenty of causes of financial stress amongst Gen Zers.

Combine this stress with the pressure to prioritize money, security, and savings over pleasure or fun, and it’s hard to believe Gen Zers are traveling at all. But this generation is different from the Boomers—financial concerns won’t stop Gen Z from making their travel dreams come true. The introduction of technology and social media have helped make them more creative in finding ways to make it happen.

One study from Avail shows that Gen Zers were more committed to spending money on travel in 2022 than any other generation, putting them ahead of millennials who have been leading spenders in the past.  

And while they may not spend as much on luxury vacations, this generation is dedicated to saving and finding as many unique budget experiences as possible to explore the world.

Budget travel does NOT mean basic vacations

Photo by Eddy Billard

However, just because Gen Z is working within a tight budget, doesn't mean they're going to settle for a boring vacation. 

According to a study from Canvas8, 50% of Gen Z travelers say they are looking for thrill-seeking experiences and excitement during their travels. After being cooped up at home for two years, young travelers are craving daring and bold adventures.

Sacrificing memorable experiences is not on the Gen Z travel to-do list, so these creative minds get crafty with their itineraries. Some choose lesser-known destinations that have a lower cost of living–everything from hotels to experiences is naturally more affordable at these off-the-beaten-track locations. 

These places also draw in young travelers who are curious about under-represented cultures and search for places that provide a sense of enrichment and education. 

Others search for cheap travel alternatives to major cities, opting for long layovers on smaller airlines if it means less expensive flights. They will also find budget accommodations such as hostels and capsule hotels, so they can see major tourist destinations without overspending.

Both travel styles allow them to get the most for their money.

For example: by trading the big Spring Break locations for underrated destinations, college students and individuals in their early careers can enjoy a dream trip without overspending on a cocktail at a resort in Cancún. 

Or, during a trip to Europe, Gen Zers may pick an off-the-beaten-path town in the French countryside and commute to Paris for iconic photo ops and bucket list moments. That way, they get to indulge in a French vacation without breaking the bank on high-cost Parisian accommodations.

Generally, experiences reign supreme with this generation. In order to achieve their travel goals now, they will work within a tight budget and think outside the box instead of waiting to explore during their retirement.


Gen Z travelers are committed to intentional travel

Now more than ever, Gen Z travelers are embracing intentional travel that not only supports their own mental wellness and overall health but also gives back to the local communities they’re visiting. 

“Intentional travel” is essentially planning vacations with a distinct purpose or goal in mind. Anything from contributing to local economies with volunteer work to staying at eco-friendly lodges, Gen Zers are dedicated to making a positive impact with tourism.

After missing pivotal milestones like graduation ceremonies or important birthdays, Gen Z has felt an increased sense of stress and anxiety. Living in isolated conditions during the pandemic has only intensified their worries about the future. 

In order to ease their anxiety and make up for lost experiences, this generation has decided to feed their wanderlust to improve their own mental wellness and support the communities around them.

Why sustainable travel is on the rise with Gen Z

Born in an era of climate crisis caused by global warming, deforestation, and the overburning of fossil fuels,Gen Z is passionate about implementing sustainable daily habits. They are fearful of where Earth is heading if people do not prioritize environmental health. 

These eco-friendly sustainability practices are impacting where and how Gen Zers travel.  

Consciously thinking about the environmental impacts of travel is a pretty new concept. Most people older than 30 don’t sit back and ask themselves how much of a carbon imprint they’re leaving on Earth when they fly from Miami to London, but Gen Zers do!

A large majority of this generation sees every decision through the lens of “how does this affect the world around me?” And that includes their travel plans.

As a result,  ecotourism and sustainable travel has expanded rapidly in the last few years, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon.

Gen Z travel trends show that this generation is more inclined to seek green accommodations, whether it’s a luxury boutique hotel that offsets their carbon footprint or an off-the-grid jungle treehouse. 

Additionally, intentional choices are made surrounding the destinations themselves. Even in major tourist destinations, this population is more likely to find small, local neighborhoods to stay in that they can contribute to financially, rather than staying at major branded resorts or hotels. 

How Gen Zers are using travel as a self-improvement tool

Wellness and mental health vacations are also on the rise amongst Gen Z travelers. This in  due in part to the larger shift towards improving the conversation around our personal health and well-being. 

Outdoor excursions and nature-focused getaways are popular with this younger demographic. They want to see the world, take on new challenges, and become a better global citizen by learning about new cultures!

Many of them look for affordable wellness retreats that are centered around restoring your mind, body, and soul. They want an escape from the stress of daily life, but don’t necessarily find lounging on a beach relaxing. Instead, they want active yoga retreats or holistic healing treatments. 

If destinations want to attract  young travelers, they’ll have to prioritize sustainability and develop experiences with a positive impact. 


Workcations are welcome amongst young travelers

While some young people are simply looking to escape and focus on leisure travel, many Gen Zers are embracing workcations and travel opportunities that allow them to explore while earning some sort of living. While millennials have paved the way for digital nomadism, Gen Z is embracing and evolving the concept to fit into their life goals and desires. 

A generation made up of Internet kids, born and raised within the 21st century’s technological revolution, has made this demographic extremely adaptable. They could be handed a brand-new device and learn how to use it overnight, or master a digital skill like video editing after watching a few YouTube tutorials. 

This insatiable curiosity and shorter attention span suggest they won’t limit themselves to traveling any one type of way. Many Gen Zers are actively seeking out ways to take more trips, even if they have to work on the go. 

Students are looking for study abroad programs; professionals are applying for international work opportunities; and some even decide to volunteer their time in exchange for room, board, and a unique educational experience.

If it empowers them to travel often, Gen Zers have proven they are willing and excited to say “yes!” to a workcation, rather than staying at home. 

Educational travel experiences

Most of these young travelers are not solely seeking out leisure experiences. Growing up with television, video games, social media, and information overload have desensitized us. They want to feel something!

Educational opportunities, cultural exchanges, and study abroad programs are on the rise with these wanderers. They are searching for cheap travel options that will not only give them a chance to explore, but also provide them with useful life skills that can be carried over to a resume. 

WWOOF or Workaway are prime examples of programs that give these travelers the best of both worlds. You can stay with a host family, work in exchange for your room and board, and experience unique parts of the world that would not typically be seen as tourist locations.

If Gen Z sees that a destination has a unique opportunities that makes it more affordable, they are much more inclined to visit unknown parts of the world or try new jobs that supplement the cost of living. 

Community-oriented travel goals

Finding micro-communities abroad is another very important goal for these individuals. After being deprived of personal connections for two years, these people now seek to establish relationships in every part of the world. 

Cities with digital nomad communities or high ex-pat populations draw in this generation because they can see that other travelers want to live and work in that part of the world. It allows travelers to feel like there is a small hub of people waiting for them, so they can meet and develop new relationships on the go!

Gen Z travel trends also show they are willing to try group travel with total strangers. Companies like Contiki or Topdeck offer young people the chance to explore bucket list destinations with expertly planned itineraries while meeting a totally new group of friends. 

Whether they travel with a pre-established group or find friends in the destination, Gen Z just wants to see that there are opportunities to meet new people and experience friendly local cultures during their trips.

Photo by Arthur Poulin

How Gen Z travel trends can influence travel marketing campaigns

Much of the tourism industry feels stale to Gen Z—instead of listening to big brands or valued media outlets, this generation often turns towards influencers and social media icons. That’s because those are the people who understand them best! Right now, this generation has a better chance of being understood by a 24-year-old TikToker with 300k followers than by  an older corporate travel company.

If you need an example of this you need look no further than DuoLingo: the company has earned several million followers on TikTok, solely due to the atypical marketing strategy. By embracing comedic, off-beat content starring the DuoLingo mascot, the page has succeeded in building trust with the Gen Z audience.

As a result, their TikTok followers have embraced DuoLingo as a learning tool and now make up more than 60% of the app’s users!

Creating content that feels relevant to this generation while still selling them on a destination or travel experience can be tricky, but the first step is understanding at a deeper level what matters to them..

Studying Gen Z’s travel habits and behaviors give us insight into what this demographic is looking for, allowing content creators and companies to better service a generation focused on sustainable, purposeful travel.

About GLP Films

GLP Films (GLP) is an award-winning, full-service content marketing agency that empowers brands to accelerate growth, positive impact, and sustainability through strategic storytelling. Since 2008 GLP has been telling local stories globally through beautifully crafted video, engaging content and communications campaigns, and a people-first approach. 

Want to inspire, create change, and embrace sustainability through storytelling? Send us a note at and check out our work at 


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